The school in Ozark, AL is the host for the annual Southern Alabama Kindergarten Conference. I have been there quite a few times and I just love it! When you walk in the door it is a place where you know that kids are first!

Notice all the handprints? It was a fundraiser…one dollar…one handprint! There were handprints everywhere!!!

Megan and Ginny dropped me off at the airport and I flew to Baton Rouge where I drove to Livingston Parrish, LA. I was there for two days of common core training, one literacy and one math. The ladies that hosted this event are super nice. They made sure I was well taken care of and even pointed me in the direction a super, cute baby boutique! (Wonder what I bought there!?)

From there I headed back to TN, this time Murfeesboro! The district hosts a big back to school conference each year. I have been a few times and just love it! I was there for two days and did 5 sessions, 3 of which included a make and take!

I was able to meet one of my new Vegas friends, Elizabeth, for dinner! The next morning a few teachers arrived early to finish projects from the day before and they gave me a lesson in couponing…now just to find the time to do it! Teachers were great to participate in the activities. Here one teacher is being the model for the headbands game which is in my
Yeehaw Wild About Number Pack.

From there I had a rental car and drove to Lawrence County where I presented for two days—one day to prek and k teachers and one day to first and second grade teachers. I managed to do a little shopping there, but this time for myself!

Home for the weekend and then onto Benton, AR! (Oh BTW, it is now August!) I was able to meet up with a team of teachers for dinner that I met last year in Vegas. They even picked me up at the airport, took me to the training, and then back to the airport!
Teachers do document their learning differently that we did even 10 years ago! Now teachers use their phone or ipad to take pictures! I always say you are welcomed to take pictures..why else would I sluff this stuff through the airport!
So what am I doing to that poor teacher? We were singing the Shel Silverstein poem, “I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor”. My sweet husband made me the snake. For a kid sized version you could probably get away with using a king sized pillow case, although I made mine from fabric! They will love it!
From there I did go to New Hampshire for the Destination Common Core Seminar, but no pictures…I had dinner with my sweet friend Kendra, who works for SDE. I planned to leave there and go to Shawnee, OK, but due to mechanical problems with the plane, that didn’t happen. We were able to reschedule for February! And then last week I was back in Livingston Parrish working with their Pre K teachers on DI.
So that catches you up. I have this week off (I’m actually on a vacation floating somewhere in the Caribbean!). Next week, I’m back on the road again to Oklahoma!
I just love my job, getting to meet so many people, reconnecting with friends along with way, and most importantly sharing my life passion….teaching. I worried that when I retired from my classroom that I would lose that. But, it has only magnified. I am truly thankful for all the teachers who were so kind to me this summer, who shared their excitement, told me a story where they had used some idea that I shared, listened, photographed, and wrote lots of notes…I am truly thankful and my bucket is running over…Love you all….