KinderGals: Are you Ready for St. Patrick’s Day?

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Are you Ready for St. Patrick’s Day?

Are you ready for St. Patrick's Day? Here are some of the fun activities we are doing.
Slide2We made a paper plate leprechaun and wrote a how to piece for How To Catch a Leprechaun.
We made a "Do you believe in Leprechauns?" survey graph during math centers. The kids ask several of their friends if they believe in Leprechauns and tally the results. Next, they create a graph to match the tally marks. Last, they analyze the data.
The kids made a St. Patrick's Day parade. First, they spin the spinner and add that piece to the parade. If they land on the same piece, they put it in the parade again. They continue to spin until all the squares are filled.
Now, they find the black and white clip art to copy their parade. Organize the ordinal numbers. Write the ordinal number under each thing in the parade.
What a fun time to visit primary and secondary colors. We used our experiment to see which colors mixed together to make green.
The kids mixed food coloring and shaving cream in a Ziploc bag. Then, they recorded the results on the recording page.
The highlight of the day was making Shamrock Shakes by mixing ice cream, green sprite, and rainbow sprinkles!
The kids wrote a procedural piece on how to make the shakes.Slide9
To make the Shamrock _ock books, the kids glued down each picture and wrote in the onset to create the word.
This number line mystery game is super fun. The kiddos pick up a number card. They look at the card and have to determine where it goes on the number line. Once the figure out where it goes, they pick up the card that is laying there and put their own card in it’s place. Now they have to figure out where the new card belongs. They absolutely love this game! 

These ideas have been updated! See the updated blog post (here). The ideas are in this unit.
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1 comment:

Busy Bees said...

Just pulled this unit out of my files to look at over the weekend. My kids loved this last year! THANKS!

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