What a weekend!! Went to Lane’s Packing Plant, out to lunch, Halloween get together and dinner with the kids, trick or treating, Pumpkin Destruction Day at Rock Ranch, birthday dinner for Andy, and now spending the entire day on my computer!
YOU CAN DOWLOAD THESE PLANS (HERE) AND SAVE THEM TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. There are also links to all of the resources mentioned.
We are excited about tomorrow…we start my favorite unit..Discovering Patterns. We are really working on level A text to show children how they can use patterns to help them figure out words in various positions in the sentence.
In Writer’s Workshop we decided to spend a week reviewing all the things that writers do to “Help the Reader”. Next week we are moving on to Lists.
We are finishing up our October Non Fiction Guided Reading Unit this week and will start on the November Unit next week.
Our centers and small groups this week are a combinations of apples, pumpkins, and fall. Even though we had a cold weekend, Fall is really just getting started in the south. The leaves are turning and the temp is cooling so now is the perfect time for the kids to make connections to all that we have learned the last few weeks.
We are finishing up our study of the numerals 0-10 and will start on the teens next week. This isn’t just a numeral recognition activity, but a deeper level of understanding…exactly what does that numeral represent and what are the different ways to use the numerals mathematically.
This week in Social Studies we will read some books about Veterans Day (yes, there should NOT be an apostrophe), check out the internet for resources, and see what else we can find to help us learn all about Veterans. We will make our Veteran paper doll and start making our non fiction books.
Here are a few things we did last year. Next week we will do these and many other Veterans Day activities so come back to see next week….
Now, hop on over to Deedee’s blog to take a peek at her week and the week of other bloggers as well.
I will be attending the K teachers conference in AZ on Thursday and Friday and am looking forward to learning from you!!!
Thanks for all the work you do!
Yeah! Can't wait Danielle!
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