So here are some quick pictures I snapped!
So here are some quick pictures I snapped!
*Love the bug magnifiers! Great for science or as a novelty for reading!
*The cardboard magazine boxes are great for book bins.
*Old Maid and Go Fish are fun games for indoor recess.
*French fry holders to make a counting game by making paper or sponge french fries as counters.
Love these $1 non fiction books. The Family Fun books have some cute crafts but can also be used to show examples of How To writing. The “I can write” series is a little more advanced…probably good for 2-5 grades, but maybe can be used in the lower grades.
Who would have thought it? Chip clips! Here’s a fun way to do the Five Little Speckled Frogs in a center. Great for fluency, number combinations, addition, one more, one less…..You can grab this Free File at the bottom of this blog post!
These are sets of coasters. At first I saw the hamburger and it reminded me of that story elements idea that has been around for a long time. I did change the words I used just a bit to match the kindergarten common core standards. Then….I thought about that old game “Cootie”. In case you don’t know how to play, here’s how: Invite the children to roll a dice. Whatever it lands on, they get that part of the sandwich. The object is to build the whole sandwich. Why do this? This is a great way to practice subitizing (instant recognition of dot configurations)…a common core must do! Here are the downloads for the dots and the story elements:
This party garland is from Valentine’s Day, but I totally forgot to add it to the blog post I did earlier about Dollar Store Finds. So here goes….This is great for any of that party garland you see in the party section of the Dollar Tree. I used the sticky foam numbers to make a number line. Lay the number line in a straight line on the floor. Put a small counter, such as a candy heart, on each number. Give the children a game piece and a dice. Invite them to roll the dice and move the game piece that many spaces on the number line. Then, they remove the candy heart that is on the number they landed on. They continue rolling the dice and moving the game piece to try and capture all of the candy hearts. They can move forward or backwards!
Here are a few more pictures from the Dollar Tree. Love these gift bags! I know there has to be a fun way to use them! Love these dust pans, too! What would you do with them? So keep the game going….leave a comment about how you would use the bags and the pans!