Friday, September 19, 2014

Ahoy Mates! It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, me Hearties!
Today is 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'! To celebrate, I wanted to give you some pirate booty,a FREE label a pirate. Scroll to the bottom of this post to snag this FREE Label a Pirate download.
Our kids love making these treasure chests. We put a tens frame under the flap where the children can glue their “gold”. Then, they write clues about their number. For example, they might say… “It is less than 5. It is more than 3. It is an even number. It’s how many legs are on a chair.”
You can’t have Talk Like a Pirate Day without singing Jack Hartmann’s fun “Silly Pirate Song”. You can get his music (here) and the music book (here).


  1. Thank you Matey! He is adorable. I do piratey things all year and this will be a fun activity for my buccaneers.


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