Monday, July 30, 2012

Hip! Hip! Hooray! Getting Ready for the First Day!

So last week was a crazy week! I was in FOUR different schools.  I wanted to share all that I saw in each of the exciting classrooms! First I went to Megan’s room. Above is what it looked like when we walked in the door!Slide2
And here are some pictures of the things we did! I think we got a whole lot done. The way I set up a room is to push everything to one side and move things to the cleared place. I just love all the rugs and comfy places in Megan’s room. It is so inviting! A place where all kids want to hang out!Slide3
Megan puts fabric on the back of all her bookcases. She usually doesn’t take it off at the end of the year, but this year they had a lice outbreak and their principal made them remove and wash all fabric! What a job! The table picture is where I had the things piled that we still needed to decide on. The piles on the floor are the beginning of the sort!Slide4
We put fabric on all the bulletin boards! Below is Megan’s monkey shelf. I had a photo of it on my blog before, but it just makes me smile! Her dad made that for her before she was even born! Such sweet memories! The shoe bag is for the mail center! Organizer above holds paper, envelopes, etc.Slide5
I just love all the added touches. Animal buddies to read to, picture frames to hold family photos taken at open house, and sweet little containers to hold “stuff”!Slide7
This board is to hold the anchor charts for literacy and math. Each of the two sections on the left are 2 pieces of poster board wide. Megan is making headings to go above each section. I can’t remember what she is putting in the third section! I hate all those tv cords and wires. Any suggestions on how to hide them?Slide8
At the end of the day, this was the pile of trash! We left the rest for another day! Come back tomorrow to see another great room makeover!


  1. Looks great! It's getting there! I can't believe you guys go back already...I have another few weeks off ...but I'm sure Back to School will be here before I know it! Enjoy the last bit of summer!

    ΡΌ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  2. You guys made some great progress! Hard to believe we are heading back... I will miss summer days!

  3. Wow! This looks great. I head back on Monday to start putting my class together. I am dreading the mess but excited for the finished result! Great job!!

  4. You girls sure were busy! It is looking great!

  5. Your room looks fantastic. I love how you use fabric on your boards and fabric covered bins. Everything is so warm and inviting. Have a great year!

  6. Wow! What a great start ladies! I can't wait to see how it looks after tomorrow! I am still waiting for my new principal to decide if I will have my own room this year or share with a new teacher. I want to start doing things, but really can't too much. I love all of the little cozt areas and littel touches in your room. The monkey shelf is adorable!

  7. Your room is really coming together! Yall have so much accomplished! I think going back and setting up is one of my very favorite things to do! So much hope for the upcoming year! Good luck!

  8. I think I saw a few ways to hide cords on Pinterest using binder clips etc.-take a peek! Good Luck and looks great so far!!! Steph in PA

  9. I am giving you the Lovely Blog award! Come check it out!

  10. Thanks Steph for the heads up about pinterest! I have to limit myself or I could just stay on there! Such a great place to get ideas!

  11. Wow! The room looks great! Can you adopt me?

  12. Since you have a jungle theme going why don't you put vines on the TV cords? Just something simple from dollar tree or the dollar store


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