Friday, March 30, 2012

Where are the Tables? Rethinking Classroom Seating

As many of you know, Megan and I don't use a lot of tables in our rooms. In a traditional classroom we often find rows to desks or tables with names taped down to identify the "spot" for each child. If we follow the lead of children, we will find that these are the "least" desired seats. Given the opportunity to pick a table or a pillow, beanbag, or bench, the children very rarely pick the table!
Look at this picture! She has made her own seating! I love that the storage unit is now a work surface. This frees up room in the classroom for other desired items.
Little rug from Target Dollar Spot, Dollar General or Big Lots can easily become work areas.
Look for seasonal items such as folding chairs. I found these in the summer with the other lawn chairs.
I found this park bench at a local grocery store!
There are some times that we WANT to use a table. We just try to give our kids a choice, when it makes sense.  Here's what I try to remember: there is nothing magical about a table. It doesn't make the kids any smarter, it doesn't make them work harder, or learn faster. Give kids a choice, when it makes sense. Assign a seat, when it makes sense! Follow what feels right and works for you!


  1. I'd love more info about this - where you teach whole-group lessons, etc. Maybe a classroom tour??? :)

  2. Hey! Follow this link to find a classroom tour that is on my website!

  3. Super cute rugs that create such a homey atmosphere for students to come in and relax and learn! Love how close you and your daughter are! My mom was an 8th grade core teacher for 30 + years and now mentors new teachers. I LOVE when she comes to my classroom. The kids know me as Ms. Chako and my mom as MRS. Chako (yes, they make sure to emphasize the Mrs.) So stinkin cute! She mentors me and is a wealth of teacher wisdom and knowledge. Love your blog and you two are such an adorable mother daughter pair. Thanks for sharing a window in to your classroom!

  4. Love your room! How fun for the kids!
    I have a question for Kim. Do you know if the I teach K conference will address the new TK program in CA next year. Transitional Kindergarten - young kids that don't make the cut off of Nov.2 will still be provided with a program in the public schools. TK is going to have a special curriculum and training.
    I might be the teacher at my school to have the young ones, and wanted to seek out training and advice.

  5. I love your classroom! It is so inviting! I'm going to look out for cute rugs and furniture this summer! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Learning is a Journey

  6. I love the atmosphere of your classroom. I was just wondering if you had read any research that made you make the decision to get rid of individual tables. Do you find that they miss working at a table?


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