Monday, October 14, 2019

Pumpkin Patch Bakery

We love adding seasonal bakeries to our home living area. We already have a kitchen, so why not put it to use.  During the fall our kids love cooking up a little magic in the Pumpkin Bakery. Here's all the fun, and learning, that happens!
First, we made a sign to identify the area for the bakery.  Signage is very important to develop literacy.  Some of the first words kids learn to read are environmental print.  It is amazing to watch kids begin to use these words in their writing because these words have meaning to them!
Next, we set up the shelf. We have really loved having this shelf in the home living area. It gives us a place to set up the thematic items needed for the bakery or whatever we are setting up.  Each of the items has a label. This helps kids learn to sort and organize the area. 
One item that works well in a bakery---pans! We picked up several different shapes and sizes of pans at The Dollar Tree. I cut some felt to fit inside of the pans. Then, I used hot glue to attach the felt.
We added orange pompoms to make "pumpkin filling".
We added both strips and larger pieces of felt to make the crust.
I picked up a few "fall" potholders at the Dollar Tree. Now it's time to get ready to put our creations in the oven.
Set the oven and pop in the items.
And here you go...a pumpkin pie! Want to bring in literacy? How about using the pictures you take and create sequencing cards. Or, have the kids write the steps!
We added some other items to the bakery.  We cut some doughnut shapes out of felt. Then, we cut some "frosting" out of orange to make pumpkin spice doughnuts.
We also added some rectangular pans for making pumpkin bread.
And we added some muffin tins for pumpkin muffins!
What's the best part? Eating! You can find all of our signage and other props to create a pumpkin patch and a hayride in this unit.
You can read more about the pumpkin patch in this blog post: 

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