Saturday, March 12, 2016

Free Webinar: Literacy Fun for Early Learners

Frog Street Press began in 1989 when a group of teachers wrote adorable jingles to familiar tunes to teach concepts such as the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes and nursery rhymes. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Frog Street Press.  But, just how familiar are you? Here's a little test to determine just HOW LONG you have known them, see if you can answer this question. When the Frog Street alphabet books first came out in 1989, how did you assemble them? If you said, you had to color and cut out the pages and then bind together with rings, you were right! That was a long time ago and Frog Street is now so much more than alphabet books, but that is how I first found them. 
Since then, I have presented at the annual Splash Conference several times. When they recently contacted me about doing a webinar for them, I jumped at the chance. So here it is! A free webinar, professional development available right in your own home or school!

You may be wondering why you should take your valuable time and spend an hour with me. Here's why....In this session we are going to talk about the impact of games, stories, songs and chants on developing literacy. We use all of these, everyday. After this webinar, you will have new tools and ideas on how to get the most from those activities. You will be able to  make the routine activities so much more powerful in developing literate children.
Every wonder why we do the things we do? For each component, we will look quickly at the WHY before I share lots of easy, "ready to do tomorrow" ideas you can use in your classroom. Ever had to defend why you are playing games? This webinar will give you all the words you need to support this practice.
Then, I will share some popular books that you are sure to have in your library as well as a few that might be new to you! You will know how to use these stories to develop strategic readers in fun, hands-on activities. The really cool part is that many of these strategies, activities, ideas can easily be applied to many of your favorite pieces of literature.
 And lastly we will look at the role of music in developing literacy. Be sure and check out this post about including music in the classroom. 
Her is the actual write up for the webinar on edWeb. Are you ready? All you have to do is to click on this link  and you will be ready to go! Hope to see you soon!
****UPDATE: Here is the link to watch the webinar!


  1. I will be teaching my 23 little lovelies when you are live but can't wait to catch the replay! Yea!

  2. Just like Michelle, I will be teaching. Do I still sign up so I can watch a replay?

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  4. You can go to and join the free community sponsored by Frog Street called EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING SOLUTIONS. Sign up for the webinar and it will be available for you to view the day after. You can get a free certificate and view any of the past webinars.

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