Monday, November 30, 2015

Making the Most of Your Math Small Groups: FREE WEBINAR

Are you trying to figure out how to run small groups during math centers? Are you wondering what kinds of activities to use to teach the standards? Or, are you trying to figure out how to differentiate your small group lessons without working yourself to death? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you will want to tune in to this webinar—DI: Easy as Pie-Making the Most of Your Small Groups.

How excited am I that ESGI has invited me to conduct a webinar that is specifically designed to answer these questions. In this webinar, I am going to share how you can effectively set up your small groups for interventions, on target, and enrichment groups so that ALL children are getting just what they need.

So here are the details:
When: December 17th.
Time: 6:00 PM CENTRA:L TIME (Be sure and adjust for your time zone!)
Who: pre-k, kindergarten, first grade teachers, principals, math coaches, instructional leaders, anyone who is interested!
How: Click on this link to register
Want to know more about ESGI and how to get a two month free trail? Click on the image below.
You might also want to check out this blog post I wrote recently about small group math. It contains a link to a free unit of math assessments!


  1. I am very excited for this webinar! I just started math centers this year and can't wait to gain more knowledge and ideas!


  2. I just want to make sure before I recommend this to my colleagues: is this webinar free? How long is it?

    Thanks, Theresa

  3. Yes! It is FREE! It will last between 45min-1 hour.

  4. Thank you so much.
    I learned some new ideas as well as
    confirmed some old practices.

  5. Is this where we can ask questions about the webinar?

  6. Jodi,
    You could ask questions on the webinar. But, you can put them here, too and I will answer it with the other questions.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I followed your webinar and absolutely loved it. I am planning on following your group ideas when I return in January to My kindergarten class. Unfortunately I forget the details of putting this together. Would you have anything in writing that could help me. I see the webinar cannot be posted due to technical difficulties. Is there anyway I could receive this with the technical problems. I really need something to help me get this started. It's exactly what we need Dayna. Sudbury Ontario

  9. Hey Dayna,
    ESGI is still working on making this video work! We want you to be able to see if. Unfortunately, it isn't ready yet.

  10. Signed up for the estimated trial:)

  11. can I still access this webinar?


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