Monday, June 11, 2012

Two Years Retired and still…




  1. OH to be 1/2 as organized as you are Kim. I bought the plastic bags:) I don't think I will show pictures of my office just yet. But you have inspired me to get going.
    Kathy Griffin’s Teaching Strategies.

  2. Ooooh, if you ever have a garage sale, I would love to be there! LOL

    Kindergarten is the Best

  3. I am a few years from retirement, but this is my fear. I have soooo much stuff that I don't want to get rid of someday. I bet Megan and Ginny are having so much fun going through your great stuff!!

  4. I LOVED peeking into your teacher garage! What a FUN post! When are you coming to Texas?

  5. Loved this post.
    ALthough I think I will have to work until the day I die..hehe (I will love it until then) I still have the garage thing going on.
    It is great to see I am not the only one. I have to show this post to my husband!
    I used to watch that show on HG TV about organizing ...I often thought I would love them to come and do a teacher space..great idea don't you think?
    About the TOYS...and a grandmother of 7 I can say that my house is the favorite "Gramma House" to them because I can provide things to do and they love it. Adults in the family can acctually have a conversation at my house.
    What is the temporary move to DC?
    That is where my family and I spent 15 years of our lives. Where will you be living???
    Thanks for the great post!

  6. Oh, your garage of stuff makes me drool!


    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  7. Oh gosh I thought I had a lot of stuff!! Love it! :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  8. Wow! Your daughter is one lucky girl!!

  9. Reagan, I am coming to Texas in January I think! Watch on the bwebsite, Where am I? I keep a list of conferences and dates there.

  10. Barbara, My husband was selected to go to a special school there. He is a civilian that works for the Air Force. It was quite an honor. We will be there for 10 months. Our apartment is one block from the capital! Should be an adventure for this country girl!

  11. Deanna,
    I will be right over! Get the Mexican food ready!

  12. Thanks for the sneak peek "behind the scenes", loved it! Now I don't feel so bad for hogging the entire garage and the 12x12 storage shed :) Aren't those giant bags the bomb? How did we ever live without them?

  13. lol this was me today sorting things out so everything can fit. i dont have a garage , so I had to rent a storage to fit all the containers I have. Its get kinda crazy , taking things in an out but its gets the job done. Thanks for the pics, I feel there is hope for my mess :)


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