Sunday, April 29, 2012

Watch Out! Spring Fever has hit the kiddos! Someone help me keep them under control!!!!

Well, it's that time of year. The kids energy starts to go up and the teacher energy starts to go down.  At the beginning of the year, we are all on our toes making sure that we keep their behavior in check. But, this time of year is equally important--if we are going to keep our sanity.
There are many behavior systems just like there are many teachers and many kinds of kids. Finding the system that works for you and your kids is key. My focus is to maintain the child's dignity and to find a system that build's intrinsic motivation to display appropriate behavior.
Here's the behavior system that we use in Megan's room.
The Clip Chart
My concern, when Megan was telling me about his system, was what incentive did they have to display acceptable behavior in the morning if they could just move back up the chart in the afternoon? But, it really does work! I think the difference is that it is build in from the very beginning as part of the system and not just some random decision to let them move back up based on some emotional response by me.
The kids are parents learned that as long as they were on "Right On Rhino", everything was good. It was hard at first because all of those over achieving parents wanted their child to be on Marvelous Monkey EVERY day!
Here's what I love about it...
  • When a child is off task at my table, I can give them a verbal reminder of what is expected.
  • If the child decides to not meet that expectation, they clip down. No second reminders!
  • Once they come back to the table, I remind them again of the expectations.
  • It is amazing how quickly they get on task!
  • As they are working, I can easily invite the child to go move his clip up because he is working so hard! I don't mention that he moved his clip down, just reward for acceptable, on task behavior.
Parent Communication
The Oops Note
This form is essential to me being consistent with sending home notes. Since notes were written at the end of the day, I often found myself without the time to write them. This sent mixed messages to the kids---is she or isn't she really going to send home a note.
Classroom Behavior Letter
At the beginning of the year I send home a discipline letter to each parent. This informs the parents of the classroom rules and the clip chart.
Click on each link to download:
Oops note
parent letter
The behavior chart and grid are in this unit:


  1. Great post, Kim! I found the red note on your website a few years ago, and I use it with great success!

  2. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Kim, you are always so great about sharing your ideas and materials! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I really enjoy reading your blog and get lots of ideas.

  4. I also thank you for sharing this. I'm looking for something different to use for next year.


  5. I absolutely love your behavior system.. Such a cute idea... I am now your newest follower.. Come by an visit me

  6. I too found your Oops note a few years ago and it works great! I love this system and have used it successfully in my class for a couple years! Thank you for the Prent Letter! It will come in very handy! :)

  7. Thank you for sharing your behavior system! It is so nice you take the time to do that. I appreciate it.


  8. I have your OOPS note from several years ago...great to use because it's fast. Thanks for the parent letter!

  9. Hi there,
    I am hav9ng a problem printing the page with the snake and elephant on it. It prints the rhino on the second page but the first page is blank. Thank you for this wonderful idea. This is a great way to manage behavior and keep me sane at the same time. =0)

  10. Thanks Kim and Megan!

    I finally got to talk about my workshop with you to the faculty at my school. They were BLOWN away at their writing, and in such a short time! Thank you so much for spilling a little of your wisdom on me!

  11. Great idea. I just found your blog, so glad I did. I am your newest follower. I love your ideas and thanks heaps for sharing. I am new to the bloggy world and LOVE all the wonderful resources that other teachers share.I am hoping I can give something back. You might like to take a peek at my blog sometime.
    Classroom Fun

  12. I LOVE that you always put your blog posts on colorful backgrounds. Do you create these (your posts...not the backgrounds) in Word? I have done this a few times, but mine end up being too small or too large. Are you using specific html code to get just the right size??

    Sorry that I am dropping so many questions...I like the organized look of your posts!

    The 3AM Teacher
    Visit The 3AM Teacher FB Page

  13. I use power point. In Design, I set the deminsions at 6.25 and 4.75 and that makes it fit on the page.

  14. Aimme! You should post some of the writings on your blog! I would love to see them!

  15. Love that behavior chart system!! I'm so over the stoplight, and this is just what I was looking for!!!

    I'm your newest follower :)
    Let's Teach Something

  16. Thanks for such an awesome post! I love the oops note! I want to revamp my behavior system this summer with a chart similar to yours. I would love to incorporate Class Dojo into it somehow!

    Learning is a Journey
    Polka Dot Parlor

  17. Thank you for the new idea!! I love it! However, I cannot get the snake or elephant to is not even showing up on the download..would you be able to email me the pictures?

  18. I absolutely love this! I can't wait to use it next year in my kinder class. I have a favor to ask. When I click on the Oops note and the parent letter it takes me to google drive. Is there any way you could email it to me? PLEASE! and Thank you!

  19. Kim and Megan, thank you so much for the wonderful behavior management idea. I love the idea of students being able to "move up." It's all about the positive reinforcement. I want to go ahead and get this ready for next school year. When I click on level clip art pg. 1 (snake, rhino, elephant), it comes up as only a two page document with only the rhino displayed. I have tried every one of the options to download it (as a word doc., pdf file, web archive, etc.) Please let me know what I am doing wrong! I want to make sure I am able to use all of the animals. My email is if you would not mind sending it to me. I apologize for any inconvenience!

  20. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas! I tried a similar approach with behavior this past year. I ended up going back to the more traditional method ( :-( ) I struggled with those kiddos who would break a rule but by the end of the day had moved back up. I felt like I wasn't giving parents a clear picture of how their child was really behaving. It was also difficult because I am required to give a letter grade for conduct. Anybody have suggestions? I really want to do it this next year but need help!
    Thanks so much!

  21. I LOVE this! I have been wanting to switch my system to something a little more positive-but still wanted to have a way to let parents know how their child did that day and what happened if it wasn't their best day! This is perfect and EASY!!! Thanks so much for sharing these awesome ideas!!!!
    P.S. Does Megan have a Jungle theme in her room? I'll send you some jungle stuff just in case she might be able to use it:)
    Little Warriors

  22. Hi KIm,
    This is wonderful. I noticed on the parent letter there are only 2 levels but on the behavior chart there are 3 levels above right on rhino. Is there a reason for an added level? Does 3 work better than the 2?

    Thanks for all you do,

  23. I have been using this system for 4 years and love it! This year my kids randomly started cheering for their friends when they made it to the top of the chart or off of the chart! I love that they're happy for friends success! Later in the year, I allow the kids to wear their clips when they're off the chart. They LOVE this ! One more thing I do is use pictures for their clips. I did this for two reasons: one because we couldn't all read our names early on and two it allows for more recognition from other adults!

    You're a true inspiration! I hope you'll check out my new blog, Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten! I'm a new male blogger just beginning my journey in blog land full of amazing and brilliant women!


  24. Anyone who didn't get the pictures to print can email me at and I'll send them. Not sure why they aren't printing.

    Michele, Not sure why they don't match! I thought they did. I don't think it really matters how many levels. Either way would work.

    Greg, Love the photo idea!

    Katie, Thanks for the jungle goodies!

    Mrs. Redding, WOW, a grade for conduct! Maybe you could attach a "grade" to each level. Record the level each day and then average. Never had to do that before!!

  25. I love this! Will use it next year with my second graders with a little tweaking! Thanks for sharing.

  26. I am a parent with a 3 1/2 yr. old who is in Pre-K 3 and was searching for the origins of the behavior chart the class was using. This is the one. I find having right on rhino as the target isn't the type of positive reinforcement that is so important at this age. My son is sweet and caring but at 3 1/2 it would be a small miracle for him to clean without being asked or etc. He is always on right on rhino and never moves up and has been on lookout lion once. When he was demoted in front of his class and he cried, and was told he could turn it around but he leaves at noon! Do you think this is appropriately designed for 3-4 yr olds? I have a Kindergartner too and feel she would totally get this but not my 3 1/2 yr old. Thoughts?

  27. Shannon, I know that those 3's and 4's are very developmentally different from 5's. I never taught those grades so not sure how this system would work with those kiddos. I know in our school, it is frowned upon for our prek teachers to use this type of system. We have used it with great success in our K class. I love that they can "get it together" and move back up the ladder. Hope this helps.

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