Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to Make Snow!



click here for How to make a Snowman Title page

click here for How to and You need pages


  1. So, what is the recipe for snow?? Curious minds want to know!

    Thanks so much for your fab blog. I appreciate it!


  2. Kim, I love your soap box and appreciate you sharing it. I sadly have some team members who don't believe that the fun things make the difference and can actually help them learn more or even better! I love the idea and can't wait to use it!


  3. I agree completely... but I do think it needs to be connected like you pointed out. They get immediately engaged, and isn't that the whole point? :) Keep up the great work!

    Colleen Patton
    Mrs. Patton’s Patch

  4. Oh, Kim. Can I stand on your soapbox with you?

    You hit the nail on the head...and I *really* needed to read that tonight!

    Thank you!

  5. Chloe's Mom! See the slide with the poster of the recipe. The "instant snow" is powder laundry detergent. The Ivory flakes work best.

  6. Love this idea! We actually made our snow by mixing shaving cream & Elmer's glue. The kids paint it on and the next day when it was dry it felt soft. To end the activitiy, I (and I being "the most bestest teacher in the whole big universe") made instant snow with the kids using fake snow from Steve Spangler Science (if you have never used it...order it today!!!). After everyone played in it for a while, I couldn't wait to let them know that the fake snow is what they put in baby diapers to absord the liquid stuff! They loved that!!! http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/instant-snow


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